Are you ready to roll for initiative? Addicted to rolling convex icosahedrons… err… d20s?
Well then you’ve found your people! Come join us for Dungeons & Dragons Adventurers League in and around Madison Wisconsin!
MAD D&D organizes and coordinates the officially sanctioned D&D Adventurers League games all around Madison – with over 1000+ members of our Meetup group -you’ve come to the right place! Adventure League uses the 5th edition of the D&D rules.
You can create a character and bring that character to games anywhere D&D Adventurers League is played! Other stores, conventions or potentially even your friend’s basement…
Want to get started making a character?
Click on “Getting Started” in the menu above.
Want to find out when we play?
Click on “Events & Signups” in the menu above.
Have other questions?
Get in contact with us! Click on “Contact” in the menu above.